The Deceptive Complex Problem

Complex Communcation arises when everyone "communcaties" with everyone else all the time. A while back, I wrote about the "really big" problem that companies faced and how they were looking to tools like SharePoint 2010 to aid them in solving it. In my post I made reference to an article in Inc. Magazine, written by Joel Spolsky, CEO and founder of Fog Creek Software. The title of the article is A Little Less Conversation and by way of a brief overview, the article explains that when you are working in a group on any given problem its best if the group can be small, and if it can NOT be small then try to keep “control” over the communication channel. As I’ve pondered on the “really big” problem, a.k.a. Communication within a group, I’ve come to appreciate another perspective brought out in this article, which is that everyone needs to respect other people’s expertise in a specific problem area when working at a large company. As noted in the article, ...