
Showing posts from August, 2010

Why I HAD to install Linux

Recently I've decided to pick up a new programming language. My reasons are mostly not wanting to be hacking away at legacy code for another 5 years. I've already started to realize that in my young programming career I'm already getting behind the curve in the programming world. In any case I decided to work with a few colleagues on a side project, not that we have a project per se, just a few general ideas and a desire to make things. Part of our goal with this project is to learn various aspects of newer technologies, Pearl, Python, GIT, Tornado, etc. At first I was under the impression that learning these various language/technologies would not require me to change my default OS Windows (currently split between windows 7 on my desktop and windows XP on my laptop). However, even being comfortable with the command line on windows I was finding that as I read various sites discussing approach and technique for these newer tools I was feeling like a second cla...

Cisco Valet - Nice, very nice

I just purchased the  Cisco Valet  and I have to say I love it. It took about 10 minutes to turn off my computer, unhook my current router and cable modem and then place the valet into the loop. After getting everything booted up... I was done. The valet earns it's name. It auto-assigned a unique name (at least unique to my area) and a random password (probably not something that couldn't be determined, but unique enough). As an added bonus it includes a segment for guests. Another added bonus is the nice little auto-config USB key that provides instant setup for any devices which you wish to connect to the non-guest segment of the wireless network. For instance the somewhat "old" laptop that I'm writing this post on (Dell Latitude D510) which has built in WiFi was connected within just a few minutes. All in all an excellent $90 at Target and a product that I would recommend.